Perhaps one of the more perplexing questions that men and women ask themselves is “Who Am I Really?” There are many self-actualization courses taught on college and university campuses, psychology books written on the subject, and a professional speaking industry that focuses on discovering who you are.
Lately I find myself pondering this subject. I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me to consider this topic because He has something to show me regarding what God has to say on the matter.
My family and I recently went on a mission trip to Costa Rica. While I was there, I spoke at a church in El Roble regarding the topic of “What is God’s Purpose For You.” In Genesis 1 we find that God made man in His image and likeness. I wondered about this phrase. In studying the scripture I’ve come to find out that God is really big! The earth is His footstool the scripture declares. And more than that, the book of Job declares that God measures the heavens (the universe) with a span. The span is the measurement captured by the stretch of a person’s hand and calculating the distance between the end of the thumb and the tip of the pinky finger. Whoa...that means that God’s hands are big enough to measure the universe. So the meaning of being made in His likeness and image doesn’t mean I am equal in physical size and appearance. I believe God was referring to His personality and abilities. He made us to bear His image, or reflect His character in the earth. Of course this was defiled by Lucifer early on, but the fact God made us originally this way should not be overlooked. In fact, as you study scripture you’ll find that God has been in the process of bringing man back to this original design...that we should bear His likeness in the earth.
Then He spoke about man’s duties. Man was to go and multiply and have dominion over all the activity on the face of the earth. Oh what a glorious plan God set in motion! Having dominion means that we are to influence and have authority over everything that is taking place in the earth. I like to consider this as we are to influence every aspect of creation whether that is social networks, government, education, civic planning, or child rearing.
If you don’t mind me paraphrasing these two thoughts I will take liberty. God made us to carry His character into every situation of life and allow His character to influence everything that occurs on this planet. We are to multiply the image of our glorious God throughout the whole earth. Too many times the Genesis 1 creation story has focused on man physically multiplying. That is too small of an understanding. God intends for the whole earth to be filled with His glory and He wants to use man as the primary vehicle to bring this forth.
You and I have a ministry that is yet to be fulfilled. God has been waiting from the beginning for us to enter in to His original design for creating man. He has called us to be carriers of The Most High God, Ruler of Heaven and Earth. Romans 8 declares that all of creation is groaning waiting for the manifestation of the glorious liberty of the sons and daughters of God. To the extent that we have allowed the Lord to purge us from our flesh and birth the character of Jesus in us, to that extent we are walking in this manifestation that Romans 8 declares that creation is anxiously waiting for.
So who are you really? I think this question can only be properly answered as we understand God’s purpose for who we were created to be.
Stay tuned for the next blog post...this is a big topic and there is more to be said. On the next blog I want to explore what God declares regarding Who You Are.
Blessings to you!
Arise, shine, for your Light has come! God is releasing revelation and opening our eyes to see who we really we are and have always been in Christ--beloved Sons. I love it! Thanks, David.