In Matthew 14 we read of two of the most astonishing miracles recorded in the New Testament. This chapter is packed full of powerful insight and I believe keys to what God is calling the church to in this hour of history. The first of these amazing miracles is the feeding of the 5,000 (which actually was more like 15,000 since they only numbered the men). Jesus had compassion on the crowd and wanted to feed them. His disciples counseled Jesus to send them away. But Jesus said, let’s look at this with a different set of eyes. First, bring me what you have. So they did.
They were able to find five small loaves of bread and two fish. Not even close enough to feed five people, let alone 15,000. But again, Jesus didn’t flinch. He said bring them to me and He took them, blessed the food, broke it, and distributed it to his disciples. How do you think these disciples felt when they were carting over the tiny amount of food they had to the first group of 50 people they were to feed? I can hear Peter saying...”does Jesus think this is a joke?” And as Peter handed out what he had, to his amazement the food kept multiplying. THE FOOD WAS MULTIPLYING IN THE DISCIPLES HANDS AS THEY GAVE!!!
What was this that Jesus was teaching? Yes, you are weak. Yes, what you have isn’t enough. Yes, the task is too big. But these are not the deciding factors. JESUS IS THE DECIDING FACTOR!!! You have been sent by Me to feed the hungry. The Lord will bless and multiply what you have. I just want you to be faithful to give what you have been given. In the giving, the provision will be multiplied.
Now, what would have happened if the disciples took the little bit of food they had and kept it for themselves; or worse thrown it down in doubt. The walk from Jesus to the crowd was a test. Each step another step of faith or yielding to doubt. For the disciples this day became a day of triumph, though it started in doubt and weakness.
However, the day’s lessons were not over after the crowd went home. Jesus told the disciples to go in the boat and cross over to the other side and He would meet up with them later. After they left, a storm rose and was tossing their boat all over the sea waves. They struggled for hours, but didn’t seem to make much progress. It was then that the disciples saw Jesus walking on the boisterous waves.
Peter said if that’s you Jesus then command me to come to you. And so Jesus did and now a man was walking on water.
On this day, two impossible things happened. Something was created out of nothing, and man walked in a place that defied natural laws. On this day, Jesus invited the disciples to broaden their perspective, expand their horizons, and participate in the unthinkable. He was assaulting unbelief and giving them grander vision.
Since the Lord is no respecter of persons and His mission for the church today is just the same as 2,000 years ago, guess what that means? He’s inviting you and I to enter into the impossible-possibilities of God. And I find that wonderfully exhilarating!! What kind of a God would we have if all that can be accomplished is that which has been done already? God has no boundaries, except that which is good and right and glorious.
The generation we live in now in America is perhaps as wicked as its ever been. Since the passing of Roe vs Wade, our nation has slaughtered 55 million innocent babies. We have kicked God out of our schools and out of our government. We refuse to allow prayer in school, but instead teach safe-sex, homosexuality, evolution, and pass out condoms. Our children are learning ever efficient ways of killing people through video games, movies, and television programs. We praise and admire those who make millions, have nice homes, and hold powerful jobs while ridiculing Christianity as weak, powerless, and polite but misinformed.
And here we live...sounds impossible? But God is not finished!!!
One of the greatest moves of God is about to occur in the history of earth. A great harvest of souls is about to come to the church. And we are going to feel strained, under equipped, and overwhelmed. But, we are to take what little we have to Jesus and ask Him to bless it, break it if necessary, and then distribute what He hands us. God will multiply it to satisfy the hungry.
God wants us to believe in the unbounded power of His love, and trust Him. Launch out onto the impossible waves you face!!! God will catch you. Stretch out your horizon, God has more He wants to do. Believe and exercise yourself in running toward Jesus!! You will experience the thrill of victory.
Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is upon you!! Read Isaiah 60:1-9 and see what you've been called to and what God will do in this day.