Case Study 1 - Prayer Model
Case Study 5 - Prayer Model and WOK
Bus Terminal - Cane
Just went to pray with people today. I felt led to go in the bus seating area where Bojangles is. I sat on the chairs and was asking the Lord to lead me to the right one. I sat and prayed for a while (10-15 minutes). And afterward felt led to go sit by a man with a cane and talk to him. I asked why he had a cane and he said he’s had two hip replacements. He used to be a truck driver. I asked if he still had pain in the hips and he said yes. I then told him that I came down to the terminal to pray for people and asked if I could pray for his hips. He said sure, but wait a minute I’m busy and then we can go outside. So I sat while he was texting someone.
After about 5-7 minutes I noticed he was just staring off into space not texting anyone. So I asked him again if I could pray for his hips and he said yes, but also told me that he was busy. So he bowed his head and I asked the Lord to touch his hips. Commanded pain to leave and asked God to heal his arthritis. He looked up and started talking to me. I asked if there was any difference. He said no. So I asked him on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is your pain right now. He said a 6. So I said lets pray again. Again I asked the Lord to minister to his body and commanded pain to leave. We were silent for 20-30 seconds. Then he looked up at me and said, wow my pain is much better. Its now a 3. He was amazed.
I sensed he may have un-forgiveness or bitterness blocking things. So I then asked him if he had any bitterness or un-forgiveness in his heart toward anyone. He told me yes, his sister. He needed help to get a prescription and needed a ride and $22 to help him get the medicine. He was texting her trying to get her help, but she didn’t want to help. She told him no. He contacted his mom to get his sister to help and so he was upset. I talked to him about the need to forgive and how this is important for us personally. Bitterness only hurts us, not the other person. He wasn’t ready to forgive right then but was willing to talk with God more about it when he goes home. I then prayed for him again asking God to help him release un-forgiveness and bitterness and to release healing completely in his body. After this he was feeling really good with hardly any pain at all. He told me that he was in misery up until that time and really was feeling bad.
He then looked down at his phone and saw that his sister had texted him and told him that she would be picking him up. He looked at me and said, you have some power. I noticed that you prayed in the name of Jesus. Are you one of his disciples? I told him yes I was a disciple of Jesus, but only he has power. I told him that Jesus has commanded his disciples to pray for the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, cast out demons…freely we received freely give. And that any of Jesus disciples can have this ability. He then wanted to know what church I went to. So I told him. And he asked if I would take him to my church.
So I picked him up the next Sunday, took him to church and then out to lunch with me and my family. We had a good time and he really liked our church. He told me that he hadn’t been to church since being a little boy and when I had talked with him he felt that he was supposed to start going again. He asked if we had bible studies and I told him through home groups. But that I could meet with him at my lunch break during the week and do a bible study with him. He said ok. Woohoo!
Case Study 6 - Prayer Model and WOK
Bus Terminal - Raining
Went to the bus station today to pray for someone there. It was rainy and cold and I was getting drenched on my way to the station. But I felt compelled to go. I asked The Lord to lead me. As soon as I got there a man asked me for money. I told him I had none, but asked if I could pray for him. He said sure. I told him that I am learning how to pray for the sick and asked him if he had any ailments. He said yes and pulled up his coat sleeves to show me a horrible case of eczema. His skin looked like elephant skin. He said he had it all over his body.
So I asked him how long he's had it and he said since he was a kid. His father had it, and other runs in the family. So I told him that this could be a generational curse and told him that I was going to pray for deliverance from generational issues. I then began to pray for him and invited the Holy Spirit to minister to this man. He said while I was praying he all of a sudden started breathing in more deeply than before. His chest and stomach area were moving noticeably. I stayed silent for a little while letting the Holy Spirit minister directly to him. [Although I didn’t think about this at the time, one of the manifestations I’ve learned when a person is getting delivered from generational curses or demonic activity they will have laboured breathing or begin breathing deeply as if something was released off them and they can now fully breath.]
I asked him what was going on. And he told me that when I had commanded the generational curse to break off him he started breathing deeply. And this stayed with him for a few minutes. It was like his lungs were being cleaned out. I then received a word of knowledge about what was happening. I told him that God was healing his spirit and soul. And that God wanted him to know what God thought about him. That God sees him as a son and not a cast away. He is valuable in Gods eyes and that God wanted to heal the broken image that he had of himself. He asked me how did I know this, because one week ago he was talking to God and he told The Lord that he didn't want to know what anybody else thought about him but just what God thought about him. In fact he posted that message on Facebook just a couple of days ago. I then got to pray with him about deliverance from addictions and other inner healing issues. I told him that the Lord wants to heal the inside and the outside. I spent most of my lunch hour talking with him. It was an awesome encounter with Jesus!
Case Study 7 - WOK
Eyeshadow and Lashes
Prayed before going over to bus terminal. Asked Holy Spirit to lead me. Prayed for break-through, anointing, ability to minister. Asked God for words of knowledge. As I prayed I saw a woman’s eye, with long eyes lashes and light colored eye shadow. So I walked down to the bus terminal looking for this. I walked the whole terminal and kept looking at each woman’s eyes. Amazingly no one was wearing eye shadow that day! After looking in the last place, I thought ok, I’ll go back to one girl who was wearing long eye lashes and try to look more closely to see if she has some faded shadow on. As I did, another woman who wasn’t there before came into view. She had long eyelashes and a light white colored eye shadow. I introduced myself. Told her this was a God appointment. Asked her what I could pray for her. She told me she is newly pregnant. So I started praying for her, God to help her anxiety as a single mom (didn’t know this at the time), God to help her with her education, give her a man that will stand with her, and financial provision. After prayer she said everything I prayed was what she needed. She said she felt peace that everything was going to be ok. I counseled with her about church…she has one but hasn’t been there in a while. I encouraged her to go…she’ll find support there. Wonderful God encounter!
Case Study 8 - WOK and Prayer Model
Encounter at Church Conference
I was attending a church conference where we were all going to pray with others who stood up asking prayer for healing. I walked up to a man I had never met. As I walked up to him, I had dizziness in my head (which I do not have). I asked him why he stood up for prayer and he said that he had dizziness and one of his ears was clogged so that he was hearing through a tunnel...everything was muffled. He thought he might have an inner ear infection.
So I told him what I had felt before talking with him and that I believed this was a WOK for him. I then asked him when did this dizziness begin with him. He told me it started a few days after he had a really bad argument with his son. He took a swing at his son. He said that he did not hit him, but almost did and that his son had fallen backward to the ground. He told me that he had apologized to his son.
I told him since this started around that timeframe that we first needed to go through a prayer of repentance for anger and then asking forgiveness from the Lord and then to forgive himself. He did this.
I then commanded dizziness to leave, infection be healed and his ear to open. He felt something open up in his ear when we prayed. He told me that he could now hear clearer than before; like the muffled sound was gone. So we thanked God for what the Lord was doing. I saw him two other times during the conference to which he proclaimed that it felt the healing was continuing, like it was progressive.
Case Study 9 - WOK
Neighbor Girl
I had heard that a neighbor girl had hurt her foot and went to the emergency room. I asked the Lord which foot as a sign to pray for her for healing. I had an impression it was the right foot. I saw her later that day as she had come over to visit with my daughter. It was her right foot. So I asked to pray for her and talked to her about healing prayer. Prayed...she didn’t feel anything and she had a large walking boot on it, was leaving our home to go home. So I told her to check it out when she got home and try to do something she couldn’t do without pain. She said she would.